Stephanie Mitchell

Stephanie Mitchell

In the summer of 2018, I was diagnosed with malignant Melanoma, I had just turned 22 years old. I noticed a spot on my back begin to change and I watched it for about a year because I didn’t think anything of it…I’ve always been healthy, so I figured it wasn’t going to be anything serious. I eventually went to my primary care doctor the end of May of 2018 and they immediately biopsied it. A few weeks went by and I didn’t hear anything, so I figured everything came back good until I received the dreaded call informing me, I had malignant melanoma. I was terrified- I was so young and it felt like my life paused in time.

Everything after that moved very quick. My primary doctor referred me to a dermatologist and at my first appointment she referred me to an oncologist at KU Med Cancer Center. During my first visit at KU, I was scheduled for a wide incision surgery with a lymph node biopsy. The team at KU made me feel at ease and very comfortable. Everyone was very knowledgeable and made sure to explain everything in detail of what to expect. On July 30th, 2018 I went in for my first surgery. I had the BEST support system and this is honesly the most important part in such a big diagnosis. My family and friends were with me every step of the way and was always there if I needed anything – even if I just needed to talk.

Waiting for my biopsy results felt like the longest two weeks of my life, but after I received my results, they came back all clear! I am now nearing my three year cancer free anniversary!! For the past two years I have regularly got CT Scans, MRIs, and bloodwork every 3-6 months and finally will graduate to every year soon.

If I could go back in time and educate myself with how bad tanning beds can be and to wear sunscreen every time I was outside or in the sun I would in a heartbeat. Education and early detection with melanoma is KEY. I am very thankful for everything the Outpacing Melanoma organization and what they do to educate people.