Corporate Woods – May 4th, 2025
14th Annual Outpacing Melanoma 5K
May the Fourth be with you! Plan to join us on May 4th, for another fun event (Star Wars style) as we continue our quest to strike back and battle against melanoma – the deadliest form of skin cancer.
Whether you participate, donate or volunteer, your support helps – every step of the way – in our efforts to raise funds and awareness to fight melanoma in our greater Kansas City community. Together, let’s reduce the impact of melanoma and support our loved ones who are affected by this cancer.
Melanoma Support Group
Join us for our monthly melanoma support group facilitated by licensed psychologist, Meagan Dwyer, PhD. Our group meets at Turning Point on the second Tuesday from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Come learn, grow and support one another as part of this group of individuals diagnosed or walking alongside a loved one with melanoma. Register today by emailing turningpoint@kumc.edu, or calling 913-574-0900.

Our Mission
Outpacing Melanoma Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to funding research for and increasing awareness of melanoma by promoting prevention, screening, and early detection throughout the Kansas City region. Melanoma, often neglected, is the deadliest form of skin cancer. Outpacing Melanoma is dedicated to fighting this disease
– every step of the way.
The purpose of our mission is to support the Richard A. Klover Melanoma Fund, which benefits The University of Kansas Cancer Center and our region.
Consistent with its mission, Outpacing Melanoma has funded and will continue to support the following efforts:
In partnership with the Masonic Cancer Alliance and the Kansas Cancer Partnership, Outpacing Melanoma funds Pool Cool, an evidence-based sun safety education and training program throughout Kansas and western Missouri.
Outpacing Melanoma sponsors skin cancer screenings on Melanoma Monday in May and at events across the state.
Outpacing Melanoma is funding an online program that trains primary care practitioners to better recognize and manage malignant melanoma.
The Melanoma Survivorship Clinic was launched to address the unique challenges melanoma survivors face.
Clinical Trials:
As an NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center, The University of Kansas Cancer Center offers the latest clinical trials. Outpacing Melanoma is helping support novel clinical trials in the use of cellular therapy to treat melanoma.

Sponsor Spotlight

Support Us
Proceeds from the annual Outpacing Melanoma 5K Run/Walk support melanoma research and help fund the Melanoma Survivorship Clinic at The University of Kansas Cancer Center through the Richard A. Klover Melanoma Fund.

The Thrivent Choice program gives eligible members of Thrivent Financial the power to recommend where some of Thrivent’s charitable funds are distributed each year, using a vehicle called Choice Dollars®.
Eligible members can direct Choice Dollars to thousands of enrolled 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations nationwide, including Outpacing Melanoma Foundation.
To learn more, visit Thrivent.com/thriventchoice.
Or contact Thrivent at 800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” when prompted.

A Walk to Remember, Our Loving Tributes
View tributes that have been shared for lost loved ones.
If you would like to honor the memory of a loved one please contact us at outpacingmelanoma@gmail.com.

Survivor SPOTlight
View Survivor stories that have been shared by individuals with melanoma.
Every survivor has a unique story and can help raise awareness for others; and maybe even just as important, can offer hope to someone who is currently dealing with a melanoma diagnosis.